C++ coding is done on IDE- Integrated Development Environment. It is a software application that provides a platform to run ,compile and execute High Level Programming language.
For C++ the IDEs are Dev C++ (recommended), Turbo C++, Borland C++ etc.
Every IDE has compilers which compile the written codes and check the errors and verifies whether the codes are following the correct logic, syntax etc which are required to run and execute the program successfully.
Below are the following formats that are required to follow to make the programs(coding) syntaxtically.
1.Header File Declaration.
2.Function Prototyping.
3.Function Defination.
4.Main Function (most imporatant and compulsary).
~For any query and doubts please drop it in the comment box or email me. It will be a pleasure to solve and clear your doubts.
Happy coding...
For C++ the IDEs are Dev C++ (recommended), Turbo C++, Borland C++ etc.
Every IDE has compilers which compile the written codes and check the errors and verifies whether the codes are following the correct logic, syntax etc which are required to run and execute the program successfully.
DevC++ - an IDE
Turbo C++ 3.0 - An IDE
Borland C++ - an IDE
Below are the following formats that are required to follow to make the programs(coding) syntaxtically.
1.Header File Declaration.
2.Function Prototyping.
3.Function Defination.
4.Main Function (most imporatant and compulsary).
~For any query and doubts please drop it in the comment box or email me. It will be a pleasure to solve and clear your doubts.
Happy coding...
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